
技术编号:8928951 阅读:941 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-17 20:08

A food kneading device

The invention discloses a food kneading equipment, including containers, arranged in the center of the vessel, set rubbing tools, driving the centrosome centrosome driving means for rotating at centrosome; the central body including the opposite direction of rotation shaft, and stirring shaft, stirring shaft coaxial with the shaft on the surface and under the stack together. The advantages of this application technology are: arranged in the rotating shaft of the stirring dough hook, and set on the surface on the shaft and surface; to make the flour and rub evenly in the mixing process of handmade dough effect, high torque, low speed operation can make flour into a group, small noise is not caused by fever, metamorphic dough at the same time, two tools produced by the reverse rotation of the balance force to avoid the large amplitude vibration and swing, single knead dough bearing ability is strong, stable performance, and flexibility to drive different kneading tools, convenient cleaning, simple and reliable structure.





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