
技术编号:8928484 阅读:162 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:07

Intelligent mobile micro platform interconnection terminal

The utility model relates to a micro platform intelligent mobile internet terminal, including mobile platform, micro touch display module, mobile communication module, memory module, power module, image output module, barcode scanning module and print module, the mobile platform is respectively connected with the micro display touch module, mobile communication module, memory module, power supply module, the image output module, barcode scanning module and print module, the image output module is connected with the display touch module. The utility model has the advantages that the micro mobile platform is an ideal general mining control system, can carry out data acquisition and control equipment, intelligent mobile phone internet terminal operating system and processing capacity based on Internet terminals can be sent by e-mail more data, one can reduce the cost of data transmission, in addition you can directly read the GPS signal, as Internet terminals and related items to find a convenient way.





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