
技术编号:8928467 阅读:232 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:07

Speaker for audio test

The utility model discloses audio test with soundproof box comprises a box body is arranged in the chamber, the side wall of the box body is provided with at least one manual or automatic opening and closing the box door, the side wall of the box body is provided with at least one connected to the shielded joint cavity. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, the production cost is far less than the measured room construction costs, in use, to test the product is placed in the chamber, the wiring connection from the shield joint access or leads, box door closed chamber where the measured product can form no noise outside the box sound effect independent space sure, audio testing process of products accurately. In particular, when the box door is provided with an automatic door arranged on the opposite sides, the loudspeaker box can directly form a part of the automatic sounding line, thereby greatly improving the measuring efficiency.





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