
技术编号:8928389 阅读:271 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-16 00:04

Portable Bluetooth earphone

The utility model provides a portable Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth headset comprises a body, characterized in that it has a mobile phone and headset with the diameter of the cylindrical hole is inserted into the plug of 3.5mm or 2.5mm, between the body and the Bluetooth headset plug to connect line. The connection length is less than 10cm. The inside of the Bluetooth earphone body is provided with a charging battery which is provided with a positive electrode, a negative electrode and a charging plug, wherein, the connecting wire is an electric wire. The utility model does not need to carry a Bluetooth headset alone, and the Bluetooth headset can be carried with the mobile phone, thereby greatly reducing the possibility of losing the Bluetooth earphone. It is very convenient to answer the phone, just pull out the plug and insert the Bluetooth headset into the ear. You can use the phone battery to charge the Bluetooth headset, so you do not have to use a Bluetooth headset charger.





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