
技术编号:8928056 阅读:216 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:53

Isolation communication structure of mine frequency converter

A drive isolation communication structure, which comprises a frequency converter, inverter control system and the communication circuit, which is characterized in that the inverter 3~20, communication circuit isolation type communication circuit board for the RS422, each corresponding to a RS422 isolation type inverter communication circuit board, an air plug and a lotus terminal; each converter, connected inverter control system and RS422 isolation type communication circuit board, RS422 isolation type communication output end of the circuit board through the isolation type communication circuit to the aviation plug wire harness plug connection and aviation, aviation aviation plug plug harness terminal is connected with the lotus lotus to the terminal through the adjacent inverter; between terminals through lotus between the adjacent connecting terminals will harness the lotus. The utility model solves the problems of high cost, difficult wiring and narrow application range of the existing mine light communication structure.





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