
技术编号:8928039 阅读:217 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:52

Multi channel time difference pulse signal generating system

The embodiment of the utility model discloses a multi-channel time pulse signal generating system includes a built-in hard disk main control computer and a built-in SRAM memory main pulse generation unit simulator; the multi channel time pulse signal generation system comprises a synchronous signal trigger module, the input end is arranged on the main control computer for at least two synchronous signal, trigger the main control computer adopts side read edge download ping-pong mode will store the data in the hard disk partition into the SRAM memory, so that the SRAM memory using the same downloading mode will automatically read table data stored in order to read the pulse description words also, the output pulse signal and data parallel decoding. By adopting the generation system of multi-channel time difference pulse signals of the utility model, the radar pulse signal can be generated in the simulation test.





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