
技术编号:8928034 阅读:142 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:52

Anti breaking type active audio machine

The utility model discloses an anti breaking type active audio machine mainly solves problems in the prior art audio amplifier circuit without power supply circuit and filter circuit, and the complex structure, high cost, the problem of the bad effect of pronunciation. The anti breaking sound active audio machine, including a series of negative feedback regulated power supply circuit, and also includes a series of negative feedback regulated power supply circuit of the shunt capacitor C5 and the inductor L2, the input end is connected to the inductor L2 and L1 between the output inductance series negative feedback regulated power supply circuit, with the input end is connected through the output the resistor R7, a capacitor C3 and a resistor R8 and an inductance L1 T1 operational amplifier is connected with the output end of the operational amplifier, T2 horn U2 and T1 operational amplifier connected to the output end. Through the scheme, the utility model achieves the purpose of active audio amplification, and has the advantages of strong anti-interference ability, small volume, high practical value and popularization value.





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