
技术编号:8927526 阅读:181 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:36

An intelligent microgrid system based on island type

The utility model discloses an intelligent island type based on micro grid system, including wind power systems, solar power system and intelligent control system; wind power generation system including wind generator and wind turbine tower top wind generator installed in the wind turbine tower; solar power system consists of solar photovoltaic panels; the solar panel installation in the bracket, the bracket is fixed on the bracket on the container; a wind turbine tower through the center of the bracket, a wind turbine tower oblique lifting channel left in the bracket; solar photovoltaic panels and wind power machine through the intelligent control system is connected with the battery and the battery through the intelligent control system is connected with the DC load or by intelligent control system then connect the AC load connected inverter. The system is independent of the external power grid, which can effectively utilize the new energy source and has low cost.





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