The utility model discloses an automatic card machine card rubbing device, the rubbing device comprises a card is arranged on the frame of the wrong card mechanism, top card friction mechanism and card rubbing mechanism, several overlapped staggered cards wrong card agency will enter into the bayonet, making each card and its adjacent card form stair the arrangement, and placed on the top end of the card card corresponds to a certain distance beyond the adjacent end; the top card mechanism is hinged with the roller wheel exceeds the top card from the top end of the wheel at the top of the card, making the top card and the adjacent card form a certain angle, and then achieve the separation effect of the card; from the top of the card has been sent to the bayonet roller, and thus achieve the effect of issuing. The utility model can greatly reduce the rate of the card issuing machine, thereby reducing the failure rate of the card issuing machine, reducing the maintenance times, improving the use efficiency and reducing the maintenance cost.
随着高速公路网的形成,作为汽车通行和计费的通关证件IC卡已经达到了广泛的应用。IC卡收、发卡机则成为高速公路各个站口的常用设备。目前市场上的自动发卡装置,普遍对环境要求苛刻,对于高温、低温、雨水等要求严格,难以适应国内不同地域不同季节的环境要求。同时,不同省份的卡片厚度不同,卡片在使用过程中的磨损,折弯,污溃等,都会对现有产品的正常工作造成影响,经常造成卡卡、多出卡的现象。目前产品的实际平均无故障时间基本在I到2周时间,这样给用户体验,供应商的售后服务,产品维护维修造成了极大困难。在现有发卡机中一般利用钩子钩卡片及利用滚轮摩擦力将卡片滚出的两种方式;利用钩子钩卡时,因卡片厚度不均,一般在0.6 — 1.0mm范围内,而钩子厚度一般为0.5mm,极易出现勾不出卡片或将卡片表面压膜勾起等不良现象;利用滚轮摩擦力将卡片滚出时,因卡片自身具有折弯,污溃等现象,在滚出卡片时会出现卡片未被滚出或滚出多张导致卡卡等不良现象。为解决上述问题,市场中出现一种将卡片错开摆放的发卡装置,因该发卡装置采用卡的错位解决卡卡等技术问题,使得在卡片摆放时必须由人工完成,直接导致该装置在使用时成本高,且操作复杂,不便捷等不足。由此,本专利技术人考虑对现有自动发卡装置进行改进,本案由此产生。
针对现有技术的不足,本技术提供了一种结构合理、使用方便快捷、出卡效果好、出卡效率较高及成本低的自动发卡机搓卡装置。为达到上述目的,本技术是通过以下技术方案实现的:自动发卡机搓卡装置,该搓卡装置包括设置于机架上的错卡 ...