The utility model relates to a device for analyzing materials by means of X ray through material and measuring absorption. In order to solve the inconvenience of installation in existing technology, maintenance, maintenance difficulty, the utility model provides a L absorption edge density meter, including the analysis of the glove box main box, auxiliary box and computer data acquisition and processing system, analysis of side box and the computer data acquisition and processing system in the glove box outside the main box; the glove box main tank and auxiliary box is communicated with the analysis, and used for the isolation of a gate; analysis of side box includes a X light source system, a light column, sample pool, light bar and multi detector system; and between the X light source system and sample pool of sample cell and detector multi-channel system are used to communicate with the computer window isolation; the data acquisition and processing system by wireless analysis box. The utility model has the advantages of easy installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the X light tube, and the electronic component has no corrosion problem and meets the requirements of the protection of the L.
国际上普遍采用PUREX工艺进行乏燃料后处理,为保证后处理工艺安全、可靠、稳定的运行,必须及时获取工艺溶液成分数据。其中U、Pu等元素浓度的分析任务最为重要,工作量也最大。L吸收边分析作为非破坏性分析方法,可以在后处理过程中广泛应用。该方法具有一系列特点:(1)样品无需预处理,这对高毒性强放射性的后处理样品具有重要意义;(2)选择性好,不受元素价态影响,基体效应小;(3)分析浓度范围在10-100g/L之间;(4)准确度较好,精密度高,RSD 一般能达到0.5%。L吸收边光谱技术于上世纪七十年代开始研发,现在国外已广泛应用,但其具体技术对我国进行限制,仅有原理性描述。美国巴维尔厂和萨凡那河厂的经验表明,L吸收边分析是一种重要的后处理工艺U、Pu控制分析技术。我国以前未开展过这项研究,也未考虑样品测量的放射性防护问题。在乏燃料后处理领域,样品一般带有放射性,尤其是对于Pu等α放射性,为防止污染,必须在密封条件下测定,这就对L吸收边分析装置的实际应用提出了特殊的要求。比较常用的方法是将分析装置全部直接安装到手套箱里,但手套箱容积有限,安装不便。尤其是采用X光管作为激发源的分析装置,其检修、维修十分困难;同时,X光管属于易耗品,一旦X光管到了使用寿命,更换十分困难;探测器是十分精密的电子学设备,在手套箱里有大量的放射性物质,对其性能也有影响;另外,手套箱中一般总是有酸气,也会对装置的电子学部件产生腐蚀。
为解决L吸收边分析装置在乏燃料后处理铀钚浓度的分 ...