The utility model discloses a heat pump water heater, comprising a heat pump and water tank, also comprises a solar heat shell, the shell is mounted on the solar heat pump and solar hot water storage barrel outside the shell is not sealed to form an air solar collector with casing above the air outlet, and solar collector with ventilation Road connected to the inlet and exhaust ports between the shell and the heat pump; solar collector in the shell of the water storage barrel end are respectively provided with a hot water outlet and a cold water entrance, which is covered with a heat insulation material; the heat pump comprises a compressor, a condenser, an evaporator and an expansion device with a fan, a condenser water storage barrel. The compressor is connected with the evaporator and a solar heat storage cylinder shell internal relative lateral, between the compressor and the condenser and the evaporator and the condenser expansion device is connected with the closed The fan is arranged on the side of the evaporator. The heat pump water heater of the utility model can make the hot water from the heat energy circulation of the atmospheric heat energy, and can absorb the solar radiation to enhance the air inlet temperature by the solar heat collecting shell.
针对上述问题,本技术通过创造性的改进,将传统的太阳能热水器的结构与热泵热水器结构相结合,从而充分利用太阳能,降低了传统的热泵系统电能损耗。为实现上述目的,本技术是通过下述技术方案实现的:热泵热水器,包括热泵和储水桶,还包括太阳能集热壳,所述太阳能集热壳系架设于热泵及储水筒外部,太阳能集热壳下方不密封以形成进气口,太阳能集热壳上方具有排气口,并且太阳能集热壳与热泵间具有连通于进气口与排气口间的通风道;位于太阳能集热壳内的储水筒上下端分别设热水出口、冷水入口,其外侧包覆有隔热材料;所述热泵包括压缩机、冷凝器、具有膨胀装置的蒸发器以及风扇,冷凝器设于储水筒内,压缩机连接蒸发器且设于太阳能集热壳内部相对储水筒外侧,压缩机与冷凝器之间以及冷凝器与蒸发器的膨胀装置之间各连接有封闭导管,风扇设于蒸发器侧边,封闭导管中装填有冷媒。通过上述结构,热泵可吸取大气热能进行热泵循环从而对储水筒内的水加热,并辅以集热壳吸收太阳辐射提升进气温度,增进其加热性能,达到省电的目的。为了增加储水量,储水桶的数目可以为多个,优选为两个并联;两个储水桶的连接方式有多种,优选的是通过导管联通。进一步的,为了安装 ...