The utility model relates to a boiler heating structure based on a separated flue and a plurality of air preheating. The partition board will be divided into two flue boiler in front, on both sides of the partition board are respectively provided with economizer and high temperature air preheater, air preheater, followed by arrangement of the main flue gas - condensate heat exchanger, dust collector, front air preheater and the blower in the main flue flue section after separation in. At the same time, the flue gas at the temperature of -500 DEG C at 450 DEG C at the tail of the boiler is simultaneously entered into a coal economizer and a high temperature air preheater, and the outlet flue gas is mixed with the main flue in order to enter the follow-up equipment in order to reduce to a temperature of -100 DEG C or so, which is discharged to the following equipment. On the one hand to strengthen the coal combustion of the utility model, especially stable combustion under low load; on the other hand the use of waste heat of flue gas from the air side to improve air temperature, condensation of water from the side to reduce heat recovery steam, thereby reducing coal consumption, bring energy efficiency, makes the flue gas waste heat can be used in optimum conditions.
在我国,燃煤电厂消耗了全国近一半的煤炭产量,随着近年来煤炭能源价格的不断上涨,以煤炭为基础的发电成本日益增加,各火力发电厂面临着巨大的节能压力,不断寻求降低煤耗、节约能源方面应用的新技术,并加大相关的资金投入。出于避免尾部受热面酸露点腐蚀的考虑,火力发电厂中锅炉排烟温度一般在120 130°C左右;燃用高硫燃料的锅炉,排烟温度提高到150°C左右;加装暖风器的锅炉,排烟温度可达150 180°C,个别锅炉的排烟温度更高达180°C以上。排烟温度过高直接导致烟气中相当可观的能量未经利用就直接排向大气。从节能减排和经济性两方面考虑,进一步降低排烟温度成为目前电站锅炉发展节能减排技术的必然选择。在国外,降低尾部排烟温度并加以回收热量的设备较早就得到了应用。德国Schwarze Pumpe电厂2X800MW褐煤发电机组在静电除尘器之后加装了烟气冷却器,利用烟气余热来加热锅炉给水。在中国,上海外高桥电厂在三期扩建百万千瓦级超超临界机组工程项目中,就应用到余热换热器来回收尾部烟气余热。目前适合锅炉尾部烟气余热利用的都是直接考虑用空气预热器出口处低温烟气加热凝结水,由于空气预热器排烟温度约为120-140°C,其温度利用空间有限,形式单一。并且没有考虑锅炉尾部受热面结构布置给烟气余热利用带来的制约,使得烟气放出热量不能以最优化形式得以有效利用。本技术基于余热利用电厂,突破常规电站尾部受热面布置方式,提出尾部受热面布置方式,使烟气余热在加热热风温度和替代回热抽汽方面得到最优化利 ...