The invention is based on the existing common moon cake products, which does not need to bake, boiled, the making process is simple, low energy consumption, low cost, sanitation, easy to digest, long shelf time, convenient and suitable for breakfast, meals, travel and daily consumption of food of a kind of \eight treasure\ liquid \moon cakes porridge\. It is well known that the raw material is relatively simple, taste is not sweet. Can not be changed according to the needs of consumers. The moon cake porridge but according to the different needs of different consumers, to create more flavor. Such as: flavored chicken juice flavored milk flavor, ordinary moon cake, chocolate, fruit flavor, taste, smell the flowers and vegetables, tea flavor, seafood flavor, spicy flavor, soup taste and so on, everything. Moreover, the market does not have a kind of filling porridge food with it, the prospects are very broad. The moon cake porridge taste, daily food demand, production costs and processes are better than baking moon cake. I believe that moon cakes will have great economic and social benefits.
现今,常见的月饼产品,均为固体形态.而且,其制作工艺复 杂,烘烤时间长,烘烤火候不易掌握,能耗高,成本高,即废工,又 费时.常见的月饼,还存在以下缺点不易存储,保质期短,食用不 卫生,有的产品过硬不易于老年人和儿童食用,还要搭配饮料食 用,以及,因为其他原因,而不能成为日常消费食品。
本专利技术是针对常见月饼所存在的问题,而提出的不需烘烤, 水煮制作,工艺制作简单,能耗低,成本低,食用卫生,易于消化, 保质时间长久,又适合早餐、方便餐、旅游和日常消费食品的一 种类似八宝粥的液体月饼粥.本专利技术月饼粥的
叙述如下月饼粥的制作材料,主要是由水份、去除酵母的月饼原料、 悬浮增稠稳定剂和灌装包装物组成.所述的水份包括水、鲜奶、果汁和蔬菜汁,其中一种或两种 以上的组合.所述的月饼原料市面的月饼产品原料均可.需要强调的是,本专利技术不需要面粉发酵与饼皮制作过程,所以 不需放入酵母.小苏打放不放均可,放则少量放入,起到口感舒适 和健胃即可.所述悬浮增稠稳定剂包括食用悬浮剂、食用增稠剂、食用稳定剂、A型悬浮增稠稳定剂和E型悬浮增稠稳定剂,其中一种或 两种以上的组合.建议放入E型悬浮增稠稳定剂的比例为0. 25%-0. 3%,其效果 比A型悬浮增稠稳定剂效果优良.所述的灌装包装物包括玻璃制作的包装物、金属制作的包装 物、普通塑料制作的包装物、聚苯乙烯制作的包装物、可降解淀 粉制作的包装物、耐高温塑料和耐高温铝复合塑料制作的包装物, 其中一种或两种以上的组合.本专利技术月饼粥的制作工艺步骤如下 ...