
技术编号:80621 阅读:207 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40


The utility model provides a kneading machine, the machine adopts the single plate blade and the surface caused by the uniaxial stress. When the machine is running, reducing the life of severe vibration problems, the utility model is put forward and the machine will block plate folded into a V shape, and the included angle alpha, V shaped plate blade made. From the shape of V type blade side, in the center of the board for the center, in the delta between the inner surface of the blade tip radius minus the box and box between the radius of the circle, cut off the cylindrical part or all is the blade of the machine, which can ensure the blade fixed on the main shaft in rotation when the running track is a cylinder. At the same time offset the axial force of the dough.


一种和面机,包括:机架(1)、主轴传动装置(11)、面箱翻转装置(2)、面箱(4)、箱盖(5)、真空抽管(8)、密封垫(9);其特征在于,还包括:    V字形板式桨叶(3),V字形板式桨叶(3)的夹角(α)为110°~160°;    主轴(10),该主轴(10)贯穿该V字形板式桨叶(3)。



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