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技术编号:79832 阅读:223 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Sliced noodles machine

The utility model relates to a Sliced noodles machine, including a motor, motor and reducer, and promote the coaxial kneading mechanism, which is characterized in that the push kneading mechanism is composed of the bucket, bucket and flour conveying screw propeller, which in the bucket in the flour feeding barrel above the propeller in the transport plane the barrel, and is fixed on the main shaft, main shaft and reducer coaxial; the spindle is installed after cutting the face after facial disc, disc is connected with the front face plate, before cutting through the loop connection mode of fixed plate in curve surface model, curve surface is through the bearing connection installed in the spindle the surface of the barrel; transmission is arranged at one side of the knife, the blade is fixed on the knife, the blade and the front and rear cut face tangent. The utility model has the advantages of compact structure Sliced noodles machine, simple operation, flexible operation, and high efficiency, can realize the Sliced noodles industrialization, large-scale production.





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