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技术编号:78855 阅读:237 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40


Apparatus for baking food. In order to overcome the current use of oven easy pollution, fuel consumption and other shortcomings, the technical scheme of the utility model: furnace for drum. A circular hole with an area of 1/5 of the furnace bottom is opened in the middle of the furnace bottom, and a furnace edge or a heating electric appliance is fixed on the high temperature resistant mixed mud to form a combustion zone. The combustion zone is higher than the bottom of the 30mm, and the periphery is formed with a ring groove which is an oil collecting groove, and a 8mm hole is drilled through a hole at the bottom of the groove. The food oil is poured into the oil collecting groove and flows out of the oil leakage hole. With the furnace surface, without tight. Furnace bottom with a small amount of water containers to collect carbon ash, carbon ash will not fly, will not pollute the ground. No food oil drops in the fire or electric heater to generate harmful fume pollution of food and environment, and save the fuel.





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