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技术编号:77964 阅读:262 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Spiral type food baking furnace

The utility model belongs to a spiral type food baking furnace, which is characterized in that the furnace body is cylindrical, inherent in the spiral orbit, orbit with a mesh belt, mesh belt is wound on the roller, the roller is fixed on the bracket by a shaft, a heater and thermocouple are evenly distributed on the mesh belt and on suction and regulation the valve are arranged on the furnace and lower from the pipeline, fan is connected with an exhaust pipe, at the top of the furnace is provided with a hot air suction port, and the lower part is provided with a hot air outlet by pipelines and connected with a draught fan, the furnace design is reasonable, can make full use of the space inside the furnace, has small volume, small floor factory the area is small, energy saving, continuous production, high product quality.





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