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技术编号:77930 阅读:861 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automatic pancake folding machine

Automatic pancake folding machine relates to a food processing machine. Automatic pancake folding machine table is provided with a conveyor belt and a rotating blade, roller area on the table, a conveyor belt is communicated with the first gate plate, the first grid by grid plate deflector A grid plate turning rod with fast action and upward action under the pressure, then turn to the gate gate plate in the second turning rod B grid plate to turn up, then press down to third, and the 42 gate plate flush, then change to the C grid plate shaft drives third grid plate to turn up under pressure, as two fold, fold movements to complete the formation of the finished pancakes pancake after the D block, the gate plate turning rod to make the fourth grid turned up, will turn into the basket in the finished finished pancakes. The utility model has the advantages that the pancake folding process is fully automatic without manual folding, the production efficiency of the pancake is high, and the sanitary quality of the finished product of the pancake is correspondingly improved. The device has simple structure and convenient installation and maintenance.


煎饼自动折叠机由机台、煎饼折叠装置、折叠装置的传动机构组成的,其特征在于机台上的前托辊(1)与前托轮(2)组成前托辊区,前托辊(1)与前托轮(2)间有传动皮带相连接,机台下设主动链轮组(16)、(19),链轮组(19)与链轮组(18)相连接,链轮组(18)又与上刀片辊(6)的链轮组(17)相连接,上刀片辊(6)的链轮组(17)又与前托轮(2)的链轮(20)相连接,装在上刀片辊(6)上的上刀片(4)刀刃在旋转中应与固定在中托辊(5)前面的下刀片(3)的刀刃相切;中托辊(5)通过皮带与机台上所设的中托轮(7)相连接;栅板变向器(15)是一个矩形机箱,在机箱的正方形前后两块面板(21)的中心位置上设有机轴圆孔,在这两块面板(21)的四个角上设四个栅板翻动杆的支持圆孔;机轴中心圆孔中设置一个由两个圆盘构成的曲轴 ,两盘的圆心处设中心轴杆(23),伸出在机箱外;轴的一端设链轮,与主动链轮组(16)用链条相连接;在两圆盘的偏心位置上设一根偏心横杆(28),在偏心横杆(28)的中间设偏转轮(27);在四根栅板翻动杆(22)、(24)、(29)、(25)与曲轴(26)两个圆盘靠近位置,各焊上一块与中心轴杆(23)垂直的翻杆推板(30),翻杆推板(30)的长度略小于曲轴两圆盘的间距,翻杆推板(30)的宽度以可与曲轴横杆(28)上的偏转轮(27)碰撞为准;设在机台上的中托轮下方台面上设有 第一栅板搁板(8),搁板(8)使第一栅板(9)倾斜,第一栅板(9)的面积与一张定长后的煎饼面积相近,使第一栅板(9)的上端边搁在搁板(8)上,第一栅板(9)的下端边置于近机台平面,在栅板(9)下端边位置处设置第一栅板轴杆(10),轴杆(10)上固定第一栅板(9)的多根板条;第一栅板轴杆(10)端头的链轮W↓[5]与栅板变向器(15)的A栅板翻动杆(29)上的链轮,通过链条相连接,而栅板变向器(15)的主轴杆端设有链轮,通过链条与主动链轮组(16)相连接;在A栅板翻动杆(29)的杆端头处焊一曲柄S↓[2],曲柄S↓[2]端头上挂接复位弹簧,复位弹簧的另一端与机架相连接;在与第一栅板轴杆(10)相邻的机台上设三个栅板(11)、(12)、(13)相互构成的煎饼折叠装置;这三个栅板(11)、(12)、(13)的总面积与第一栅板(9)的面积相近,而使三个栅板(11)、(12)、(13)总面积的一半作为第二栅板(11)的面积,而总面积的另一半对分...



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