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技术编号:77915 阅读:242 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Gas oven

A gas oven, relates to the technical field of kitchen, furnace body has a hollow rectangular shape, appearance of skin with insulation layer, insulation layer are arranged in two rows of heat exchanger tubing, heat exchanger tubing ends in thick tubing head, tubing head is set below the oil storage heater, when the gas storage heating oil, hot oil circulation rose in the two row heat exchanger, when the two row heat exchanger products after heat absorption, cold oil back to the oil storage heater to be heated, so hot and cold cycle difference. The heat conducting medium is a heat conducting oil. The baking tunnel of the oven is longer, the baked goods are moved on the baking path, the heat transfer is uniform, the thermal efficiency is high, the energy is saved, and the production cost is saved by more than 7 times than that of the electric oven.





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