
技术编号:77815 阅读:303 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Electric heating electric cooker

A gas electric bread oven, including pot body, the pot body, the pot body shell, a thermal insulation layer, a control panel, a temperature control device and a power switch; in the pot body is provided with electric heating tube, electric heating tube and a power switch, ignition switch, ignition temperature control device are electrically connected to each other; in the pot to pot install the gas stove, gas stove used to support the positioning frame, the frame is connected with the positioning end shell, gas stove pipe is connected with one side of the catheter, and connected with the shell and is connected with the gas bottle through the shell; the shell is provided with the exhaust port; the ignition needle installed on the stove, installation of electromagnetic valve, ignition on the catheter, igniter, solenoid valve and temperature control device and the power switch are electrically connected to each other. The utility model solves the electric furnace scones inconvenient and long baking time, slow heating and high energy consumption problems, especially suitable for cake baking.


一种燃气电热烤饼炉,包括上锅体、下锅体、锅体外壳、保温层、控制面板、控温装置和电源开关,其特征在于:上锅体采用电热管加热,下锅体采用燃气灶加热,构成如下:    在上锅体(12)内安装有电热管(13),电热管(13)与电源开关(5)、上火开关(6)、上火控温装置(7)相互电连接;    在下锅体(14)下方靠进下锅体处安装燃气灶(9),燃气灶(9)上接有导管(18),导管(18)与接气管(20)之间设电磁阀(19)连接,接气管(20)与锅体外的燃气瓶(22)相连;燃气灶(9)上安装点火针(15),点火针(15)与点火装置(21)、电磁阀(19)、电源开关(5)、下火控温装置(3)、下火开关(4)相互电连接;锅体外壳(2)上设有排气口(10)。



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