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技术编号:77806 阅读:273 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Rotary driving device for baking article supporting rod in oven

The rotary driving device, an oven baked material rod includes: supporting rod bracket (3), (11), rod (3) having a first end and a second end (31) (32), rod (3) were set up in the oven (1) on both sides of the two bracket (11) and it is characterized in that the support rod (3) has the most branches are set in the bracket (11) and lateral positioning ring (34), baked things (2) from the support rod (3) of the first end (31) through the support rod (3), second (end 32) has a connection element (33); in the oven (1) are arranged at one side of the motor (4) driven by a plurality of rotating wheel (5), (5) the rotation of the wheel shaft (51) align each support bar (3) to the axis of rotation wheel (5) also has a connecting piece ( The connecting piece is corresponding to the connecting element (33) of the second end (32) of each of the supporting rods (3).





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