
技术编号:77177 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Compound insecticide of Metarhizium and Abamectin

The invention discloses a compound insecticide of Metarhizium and abamectin. It is composed of the main agent and auxiliary agent, the main agent is based on the following two effective components of the mass ratio of a mixture of composition: Green: avermectin = 1: 0.5 ~ 40. The main agent and auxiliary agent can be processed into emulsifiable concentrate and microemulsion. EC auxiliary agent is solvent, emulsifier and other auxiliary agent, solvent is aromatic hydrocarbons, emulsifier is nonionic, anionic or nonionic and anionic mixed surfactants, other auxiliary agent refers to solvent and synergistic agent. The auxiliary agent is micro emulsion solvent, emulsifier and other auxiliary agents, solvents are aromatic hydrocarbons or esters, emulsifier is nonionic, anionic or nonionic and anionic mixed surfactants, other auxiliary agents are antifreeze, cosolvent and synergistic agent. The results showed that the insecticide had good control effect on Bemisia tabaci and had a significant synergistic effect.





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