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技术编号:76759 阅读:281 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Application of ShRNA in preparing medicine for prolonging survival rate of allograft

The invention discloses an application of ShRNA in the preparation of a medicament for prolonging the survival rate of the allograft. The small interfering RNA can specifically inhibit Core1 beta 1, 3 galactose transferase, which is a key enzyme in the synthesis process of chitosan Core1O. Small interfering RNA of the invention can inhibit the in vivo activation of CD8 + T cells, but had no effect on CD4 + T cells and other immune cells, can induce the increase of CD3 + CD8 + T cells, increase apoptosis and immune suppressive cytokines such as IL-10 secretion and prolong allograft organs (such as the survival of the transplanted skin) time, allograft rejection. Its advantage is that its side effects are small, only change the synthesis of sugar, does not affect the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid. And the cost is low, stable, strong rejection of organ transplant rejection. It has the advantages of high efficiency, high stability and high specificity.

本专利技术属于分子免疫领域。具体涉及一种小分子干扰RNA在制备延长异体 器官移植存活率的药物中的应用。
免疫抑制剂在器官移植中用于防治排斥反应,即干扰受体对外来抗原的识 别和对非自身细胞的清除。常用的免疫抑制剂有环孢素、肾上腺皮质激素、垸化 剂和抗代谢药。这些药物的特点是选择性差,对正常和异常的免疫反应均有抑制 作用。[l]CsA及其类似物(CsG、 SDZIMM125)禾B Tacrolimus (FK506)为细胞 因子合成抑制剂,抑制T细胞的细胞因子基因转录,阻断T细胞产生IL-2 ,干扰T 细胞活化(夏国伟,张元芳;免疫抑制剂的临床应用现状;复旦学报(医学科学 版);2001 Mar ,28 (2))。它们在G0/G1期交界处阻断T细胞激活,主要特异性地 作用于T细胞或经T细胞受体复合物启动的T细胞依赖性功能,属T细胞早期 激活的抑制齐U[2 , 3 ] (Keown PA. Therapeutic strategies for optimal use of novel , imm皿o-suppressants. Transplant Proc ,1999 ,31 :1790, Mayer AD ,Miller J ,Deierhoi MH,et al. Multicenter randomized trial comparing tacrolimus(FK506) and cyclosporine in the prevention of renal allograft rejection :a report of the European tacrolimus multicentre renal study group. Transplantation ,1997 ,64 (3) :436)。由于 这一作用是干扰钙依赖性信号传导途径,因此它们也抑制其他钙依赖性信号转 导途径引导的生理过程,如脱粒作用。它们主要的副作用是具有肾毒性。蛋白质糖基化是蛋白质翻译后的一种重要的加工过程。在肽链生物合成的同 时或合成后在酶的催化下糖链被连接到肽链的特定糖基化位点。根据其肽链的糖 基化位点不同分为N-糖基化和O-糖基化。通过连接GalNAc残基而对蛋白质上的 丝氨酸和苏氨酸进行的修饰产生了O-聚糖(O-glycan) [4] (Schachter H., Brockhausen I. The biosynthesis of serine (threonine)-N陽acetylgalactosamine-linked carbohydrate moieties, in: H.J. Allen, E.C. Kisailus (Eds.), Glycoconjugates.Composition, Structure and Function, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1992, pp. 263— 332)。在多肽GalNAcT作用下产生的0-聚糖有4种共同的核心(core)亚型,即 corel , core2, core3, core4[5] (Schachter H., Brockhausen I. The biosynthesis of serine (threonine)-N-acetylgalactosamine-linked carbohydrate moieties, in: H.J. Allen, E.C. Kisailus (Eds.), Glycoconjugates. Composition, Structure and Function, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1992, pp. 263- 332.)。目前的研究表明O-聚糖的表达与 免疫系统密切相关,直接影响到T细胞的发育,免疫应答的发生以及某些疾病的 发生等 [3] (Keown PA. Therapeutic strategies for optimal use of novel , immuno-suppressants. Transplant Proc ,1999 ,31 :1790, Mayer AD ,Miller J ,Deierhoi MH,et al. Multicenter randomized trial comparing tacrolimus(FK506) and cyclosporine in the prevention of renal allograft rejection :a report of the European tacrolimus multicentre renal study group. Transplantation ,1997 ,64 (3) :436) , Corel O-聚糖表达于大量组织细胞表面,改变组织细胞表面的糖后减弱了对T细胞的活 化。Corel(31,3半乳糖糖基转移酶(corel (31-3 galactosyltransferase,ClGalT)是CorelO-聚糖合成过程中的关键酶[6] (Brummelkamp TR, Bernards R, Agami R. Asystem for stable expression of short interfering RNAs in mammalian cells. Science.2002, 296(5567): 550-553.)。本研究首次构建并筛选到针对小鼠ClGalT的特异性shRNA,运用siRNA真核表达载体shRNA分子的优点在于能够稳定地抑制目的基因表达,引起基因沉默。通过RT-PCR及流式细胞术分析显示shRNAe能明显抑制ClGalT表达。伤寒感染小鼠模型试验结果表明有效干扰RNAshRNA(small hairpin RNA)使小鼠抗胞内菌伤寒杆菌感染能力明显下降,明显降低IFN-Y表达,但增强IL-10和IL-4的表达,IL-2水平各组无明显变化。流式细胞仪检测表明注射了有效干扰RNA的小鼠脾脏T细胞活化表面标记分子CD25、 CD69和CD45表达降低,T细胞活化减弱,CD8+T细胞比例下降,而CD4/CD8比值增加,但是脾脏B细胞和巨噬细胞的比例没有发生改变。针对伤寒杆菌的特异性CTL释放颗粒酶水平降低。并且shRNA组CD3+CD8+T细胞凋亡水平明显高于其他组,而CD3+CD4+T细胞凋亡水平无明显变化。小鼠异体皮肤移植模型实验结果显示空白对照组移植皮片平均存活时间为(11.33±0.57)天,无效shRNA组移植皮片平均存活时间为(11.66士0.57)天,而有效 shRNAe组移植皮片的存活时间明显延长,移植皮片平均存活时间为(19.00±1.00) 天。体外实验结果表明转染有效shRNA的CT26细胞能诱导CD3+CD8+T细胞凋亡, 对CD3+CD4+T细胞无影响。单向混合淋巴细胞反应结果显示转染有效shRNA的 CT26细胞能抑制CD3+CD8+T细胞增殖,CD3+CD8+T细胞增殖水平不变。结论本 研究首次报道ClGalT及O-聚糖的改变在机体的细胞本文档来自技高网...


1. 一种小分子干扰RNA在制备延长异体器官移植存活率的药物中的应用。2. —种小分子干扰RNA在制备延...


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