
技术编号:76370 阅读:211 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for reducing or preventing agricultural chemical pollution of surface geological body

The agricultural matrix (plant and animal 10 body 12) exposure to agricultural chemicals (A) method; reduce or prevent by exposing the agricultural substrate surface caused by agricultural chemicals under the geological bodies (20 and 22) pollution method; for the composition of (A) / (T) 30; products comprising said compositions. Including the agricultural matrix exposure to agricultural chemicals and contains at least one conversion agent combination (mixture) composition of the conversion agent can reduce or eliminate the concentration of agricultural chemical geological body under the contact surface (at different time and depth). Before entering the surface of the geological body, the conversion agent will not reduce the concentration of agricultural chemicals, and will not affect or / and interfere with the function of agricultural chemicals relative to the agricultural matrix. The transfer agent and agricultural chemicals are co migrated and distributed in the subsurface, and reduce or eliminate the concentration of agricultural chemicals. The effect of the conversion agent on the surface of the geological body in different time and depth.


一种将农业基质暴露于农用化学品的方法,所述方法包括: 将农业基质暴露于包含农用化学品和至少一种转化剂的组合物,所述转化剂能减少或消除接触表面下地质体的农用化学品的浓度,从而减少或防止农用化学品污染所述表面下地质体。



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