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技术编号:76132 阅读:195 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Device for distributing moss plate of mosquito repellent incense machine

The utility model provides a mosquito repellent incense machine moss plate and reliable operation of the distribution device, the frame is mounted on the frame and at least four synchronous rotation shaft including the vertical shaft is provided with a carrying device and a moss plate used to moss plate two adjacent moss plate separator, the moss plate receiving location device on the vertical axis is lower than that of the moss plate separation device, and the moss plate separating device and the moss board to undertake a circumferential direction along the vertical shaft device phase stagger. Through the vertical shaft to rotate synchronously to ensure the moss plate four corners are synchronous release, and through the moss board to undertake to ensure payment and separation in the moss plate and adjacent moss plate separation device and reliable moss plate separation device staggered phase mode. The utility model relates to a mosquito repellent incense machine production line which is combined with other mechanisms of the mosquito repellent incense machine.





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