
技术编号:73672 阅读:313 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术涉及高效氯氰菊酯杀虫悬浮剂。本发明专利技术悬浮剂由下列组分和含量(重量)%组成:1)由以工业氯氰菊酯作原料按结晶-差向异构化法所制含氯氰菊酯93%以上并且其中IR-cis,α-S和IS-cis,α-R占40~60、IRtrans,α-S和IStrans,α-R占60~40%的氯氰菊酯顺式和反式α体共占0. 5~20(重量)%、增粘剂0. 5~2(重量)%、防冻剂1~5(重量)%、防腐剂0. 2~1. 0(重量)%、表面活性剂1~5重量%和余量水组成。本发明专利技术杀虫悬浮剂药效好,成本低廉。(*该技术在2013年保护过期,可自由使用*)

Cypermethrin suspension

The invention relates to a high efficiency cypermethrin suspension insecticide. The present invention suspension agent comprises the following components and content (weight)%: 1) by using industrial cypermethrin as raw materials by crystallization and epimerization of the chlorine cypermethrin above 93% and the IR - CIS and IS - S, alpha CIS, alpha R accounted for 40 to 60, IRtrans. Alpha S alpha R and IStrans, accounting for 60 ~ 40% cypermethrin CIS and trans alpha together account for 0.5 ~ 20 (weight%), tackifier (weight) 0.5 ~ 2, 1 ~ 5 antifreezer% (weight)%, 0.2 ~ 1 preservatives (weight)%, surface active agent 1 ~ 5 wt% and the water margin. The insecticidal suspending agent has good efficacy and low cost.


高效氯氰菊酯杀虫悬浮剂,其特征在于由下列组分和含量(重量%)组成:1)由以工业氯氰菊酯作原料按结晶-差向异构化法所制含氯氰菊酯93%以上且其中IR-cis,α-S和IS-cis,α-R占40~60%,IRtrans,α-S和IStran s,α-R占60~40%的氯氰菊酯顺氏和反式α体共占0. 5~20%;2)增粘剂0. 5~2%;3)防冻剂1~5%;4)防腐剂0. 2~1. 0%;5)表面活性剖1~5%;6)水余量。



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