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技术编号:70780 阅读:374 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Natural plant disinfectant and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a natural plant disinfectant and a preparation method thereof. The invention of the disinfectant of raw materials including Prunella, rhubarb, Magnolia, mistletoe, garlic, mint extract and ethanol and sterile distilled water; the preparation process includes the selected natural plant by washing, drying and pulverizing, respectively by ethanol aqueous solution soaking and extraction, and then the extract was concentrated. After homogenization, adding a certain proportion of ethanol and sterile distilled water, the natural purification can be settled to. The natural plant disinfectant of the invention has the advantages of natural, non-toxic, harmless, safe, high efficient sterilization, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.


一种天然植物消毒剂,其特征是原料包括夏枯草、大黄、厚朴、桑寄生、大蒜、薄荷的萃取液及70-95%乙醇和无菌蒸馏水,其中所述各成份的重量份数配比为: 夏枯草萃取液 1-4份 大黄萃取液 1-3份 厚朴萃取液 1.2-3份 桑寄生萃取液 1-3份 大蒜萃取液 0.1-1份 薄荷萃取液 0.5-2.5份 75-95%乙醇 20-35份 无菌蒸馏水 75.2-51.5份。



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