Chlorops oryzae in recent years outbreaks in most serious pests in China. In addition to the existing pesticides, banned toxic pesticides carbofuran has a certain role in the prevention and control, other drugs have no effect. The aim of the invention is to provide a high efficiency and low toxicity insecticide for preventing and controlling rice straw fly pests. The pesticide of the invention, the fipronil and imidacloprid two fungicides according to 1: 0.1 to 0.1: 1 weight ratio mixed, can be made into a kind of clothing, dressing agent, suspending agent, wettable powder, emulsifiable concentrate and other dosage forms. The utility model has the advantages that the insecticidal effect is high, and the test results show that the average effect is 87.5%, and the pesticide is not toxic to the aquatic organisms such as the beneficial insects, fishes, and the like, and has no environmental pollution.
本专利技术涉及一种防治水稻等虫害的杀虫剂,确切说是一种主要用来杀灭稻秆潜蝇的杀虫剂。水稻是我国的主要粮食作物,种植面积占粮食作物的30%,产量占粮食总产的40%。水稻生产对国民经济建设和稳定城乡人民生活起着至关重要的作用。水稻病虫害是影响水稻高产稳产的重要生物灾害,据国内外专家测定,水稻生长期常年因病虫害造成的产量损失约为10-15%。在国内,从中央到地方,各级政府都对水稻控害增产非常重视,每年用于病虫害防治的费用都达数亿元之多。稻秆潜蝇是一种过去在国内局部地区零星发生的水稻害虫,从未对水稻造成过重大损失。但从90年代中期开始,稻秆潜蝇在国内大部分稻区暴发成灾,短期内危害范围迅速蔓延扩大,面积已近1亿亩。该虫在水稻苗期侵入后,一直潜伏在水稻植株内危害幼嫩的生长点,受害植物幼穗前半部被食后,颖花退化,形不成正常的谷粒。抽穗后表现为穗子前半部无谷粒,仅有少许退化发白支梗或畸形小颖壳,灌浆后穗子呈不勾头的被害状。由于稻秆潜蝇最终直接危害水稻穗前部,造成的产量损失很大。据调查,受害田一般损失产量10-20%,重害田损失超过30%。对于近年才暴发成灾的稻秆潜蝇,国内尚未研究出成熟的配套防治技术,大多数受害区农民面对严重的危害损失,至今仍束手无策。根据国内许多科研和生产部门试验,目前国内外现有的杀虫剂中,除禁用的剧毒农药呋喃丹有70-80%的防治效果外,其它药剂对稻秆潜蝇几乎无效。本专利技术的目的在于提供一种专用防治稻秆潜蝇,兼治其它水稻害虫的高效低毒杀虫剂。本专利技术的目的是通过实施如下技术方案来实现的防治稻秆潜蝇的杀虫剂,由氟虫腈和吡虫啉两种药剂混合配制,其配方重量 ...