
技术编号:6693107 阅读:322 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40


本专利技术涉及重组毒株,尤其涉及猪圆环病毒2型标记毒株及其构建方法,本专利技术 还涉及上述毒株的应用,属于重组猪圆环病毒2型毒株领域。
猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)主要引起断奶仔猪多 系统衰竭综合征(Postweaning multisystemic wastingsyndrome, PMWS),该病于 1997 年在加拿大首次被证实,美国、法国、日本、韩国等相继发现猪群中存在PMWS (Mankertz A, DomingoM, Folch J M, et al. Characterization of PCV2 isolates from Spain, Germany and France. Virus Research,2000,66(1) :65-77 ;Ellis J, Clark E, Haines D, et al. Porcine circovirus-2 and concurrent infections inthe field. Veterinary Microbiology,2004,98 :159-163 ;Wellenberg GJ, Stockhofe Z N, Boersma W J, et al. The presence of co-infections inpigs with clinical signs of PMWS in the Netherlands :case_control study. Research Veterinary Science,2004, 77⑵177-184.)。除PMWS夕卜,猪皮炎与肾病综合征,猪呼吸道综合征,繁殖障碍,肉 芽肿性肠炎,坏死性淋巴腺炎,渗出性皮炎,先天性震颤等也与PCV2感染有关。病毒 感染的致病性主要与机体免疫系统相互作用有关,PCV2感染对猪免疫功能的影响以及 由此引起的免疫抑制等问题备受国内外学者关注,已成为近年来的研究热点(Cheung A K.Transcriptionalanalysis of porcine circovirus type 2 . Virology, 2003,305 168-180 ; Cheung A K.Comparative analysis of the transcriptional patterns ofpathogenic and nonpathogenic porcine circoviruses. Virology, 2003,310 :41-49 ;Nawagitgul P,Morozov I,Bolin S R,et al. Open readingframe 2 of porcine circovirus type 2 encodes a major capsid protein. Journal of General Virology,2000,81 :2281-2287 ;Liu J,Chen I,Kwang J.Characterization of a previously unidentified viral protein inporcine circovirus type 2一infected cells and its role in virus-inducedapoptosis. Journal of Virology,2005, 79 :8262-8274 ;Liu J,Chen I,Du Q,et al. The 0RF3 protein of porcine circovirus type 2 is involved inviral pathogenesis in vivo. Journal of Virology,2006, 80:5065-5073.)。有关PCV2变异的研究不断增多,世界范围内PCV2不断变异(Wen L B,Guo X,Yang H C. Genotyping of porcine circovirus type 2from a variety of clinical conditions in china. Veterinary Microbiology, 2005,110 :141-146 ;刘 新文,曹胜波,郭东春,等.猪II型圆环病毒(PCM)Henan株的分离与全基因组序列分 析·中国预防兽医学报,2006, ) :357-359 ;Fenaux M, Halbur P G, Gill M, et al. Genetic characterization of type 2 porcine circovirus(PCV2)from pigswith postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in differentgeographic regions ofNorthern America and development of adifferential PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Assay todetect and differentiate between infectious with PCV-I and PCV-2. Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2000,38(7) :2494-2503 ;Choi K S, Chae J S. Genetic characterization of porcine circovirus type 2 inRepublic of Korea . Research in Veterinary Science, 2008,84 :497-501. )。Segales 等对不 同PCV2分离株进行标准命名,主要分为PCMa、PCV2b和PCV2c三个基因型,此命名标准 有利于今后对PCV2的研究和命名规范(www.pcvd.net) (Grau R L, Crisci E, Sibila M, etal. A proposal on porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)genotype definitionand their relation with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) occurrence. Veterinary Microbiology,2008,128 :23-35.)。此外,Yang 等报道中国出现新的 PCV2 变 异毒株,将其命名为PCV2d基因型,显示PCV2流行毒株不断变异且有变异毒株出现(Wang F,Guo X,Ge X N,et al· Genetic variation analysis of Chinese strains ofporcine circovirus type 2 . Virus !Research,2009,145 :151-156.)。Ciacci 等报道临床中 不同基因型PCV2共存,其与地理分布无相本文档来自技高网...

1.猪圆环病毒2型标记克隆毒株PCV2a/rCL,其微生物保藏号是:CGMCC No.4306。



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