
技术编号:6093642 阅读:246 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Routing method for mobile ad hoc network based on navigation positioning information

The invention discloses a routing method of a mobile ad hoc network based on navigation positioning information, which relates to the routing technology field of the mobile ad hoc network. The GPS? RF module and the GPS baseband module receives the navigation positioning information, the mobile node based on the location information and the surrounding terrain information characteristics, direction and power, dynamic adjustment of the smart antenna can transmit and receive omnidirectional, may also be half to, or part of direction for transmitting and receiving, ad hoc routing module using ad hoc network positioning the auxiliary dynamic routing algorithm for route discovery, route discovery and route maintenance process. The invention has the characteristics of short routing time, accurate routing, applied to the mountains, with mountain terrain map information, according to the characteristics of only for directional radio wave transmission, save the mobile node power, improve the availability of mobile ad hoc network.


1.一种基于导航定位信息的移动自组网的路由方法,其特征在于包括步骤:①.GPS RF模块接收来自导航卫星的射频信号,对其进行处理后把基带信号输出给GPS基带模块;②.GPS基带模块对导航基带信号进行捕获、跟踪、解算处理后输出PVT数据;③.自组网RF模块接收来自其他周围节点的射频信号,对其进行处理后把自组网基带信号输出给自组网路由模块,同时把来自自组网路由模块的需要发送的数据进行处理后发射出去;④.自组网路由模块对自组网基带信号进行处理,得到自组网路由数据和传输数据,并把这些数据输出到存储模块,同时把需要发送的数据输出给自组网RF模块;自组网RF模块把来自自组网路由模块的需要发送的数据进行处理后发射出去;⑤.自组网路由模块在MCU控制模块的控制下,根据自组网路由数据和PVT数据,采用自组网定位辅助动态路由算法进行路由发现过程,之后建立路由拓扑,把拓扑中发现的各个节点的位置信息附加到路由表中,同时进行路由维护。



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