
技术编号:6093298 阅读:210 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A signal acquisition and location system

The present invention relates to a signal acquisition and positioning system, which comprises a base, a shaft X transmission device, transmission device, the Y axis Z axis drive device, loading platform, camera obscura, cantilever and a detection unit; a shaft X transmission device is fixed between the carrier and the carrier base, with a shaft X transmission device with sliding Y; the end of the long shaft drive device is fixed on the base; the short end is fixedly connected with a lower end part and a shaft Y transmission device of a shaft Z transmission device; carrier detection target is arranged in the camera obscura on the black box between the fixed on the stage, and the black box and the platform is sealed; the upper end of the end of the with the Z shaft drive cantilever connecting the side wall in the middle of the cantilever box, the other end of the cantilever in a black box, the other end of the detection unit and the cantilever fixed, the detection unit is arranged in the box, with the Z axis drive detection unit The device rises and falls together to adjust the distance between the detecting unit and the target being detected. Image acquisition suitable for confined space.





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