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技术编号:6092974 阅读:616 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Non stick stainless iron pan and manufacturing method thereof

The invention discloses a non stick stainless steel pot, which is composed of a metal substrate, the metal substrate on the working surface of spray a layer of chromium carbide and chromium carbide iron or cobalt chromium chromium carbide metal material, forming a layer with micropore easy to clean non stick layer, in communicating with the micropore metal matrix surface by forming a layer of nitriding nitriding layer. The invention also discloses a manufacturing method of non stick stainless steel pot (1), including cutting, stretching, washing, degreasing, drying to decontamination wax; (2) roughening treatment; (3) to form a layer of adhesive layer is not easy to clean in the working face; (4) the formation of nitriding nitriding layer; (5) cleaning, drying and other steps. The nonstick stainless iron pot of the present invention has the advantages of anti sticking, rust proof, white appearance, energy saving, etc..





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