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技术编号:6092352 阅读:181 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Anti stripping hanger

An easy to use, can prevent the clothes hanger off off, consists of a pedestal, linked with the anti off component; anti end member connections in the off hook, hook or hooks, or pedestal, extension or hooks, extend the body or frame, and can rotate around the the movement, the other end can extend to the opening hook, so as to open or close the opening hook. Further, the anti loosing component is provided with a hole and hanger; anti off components are installed on the hook through the hole, or hook hook, or frame, extension or hooks, or a body around its rotation and extension. Further, the anti component removal hanger includes a ferrule and closure; ring installed around the hook, hook or hooks, or pedestal, extension or hooks, extend the body or frame; the closed end connected to the ring on the other end of the opening can be closed hook.





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