
技术编号:6091613 阅读:318 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for locking and unlocking terminal and smart card

The invention discloses a method and a device for locking and unlocking a terminal and a smart card. The locking method, used for the PC side software lock management acquisition device identification and intelligent terminal user identification card, the device identification search binding operators set based on relational data, determine the allowable range of the corresponding binding equipment identification, judging whether the user identification is within the permitted scope of the binding and if it is, the device identification and the user identification of binding operation; otherwise, no binding operation. According to the scheme provided by the invention, the PC side software lock management to the terminal and the card locking or unlocking operation, according to the needs of operators, flexible configuration binding relationship or unbound, convenient and quick to lock or unlock the lock, to meet the bulk terminal and smart card lock or unlock demand.





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