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技术编号:6091130 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Cooperative relay transmission method based on network coding

The invention discloses a cooperative relay transmission method based on network encoding, which comprises the following steps: S1, the source node of the information to be transmitted separately n different network encoding operations, n different encoding signal; S2, the source node using the M sub channel of the n different encoding signal respectively. Sent to the M relay nodes, are sent using K sub channel the rest of the information to be sent to the K destination nodes; the m S3, a relay node will receive the n different encoding signal denoising, and then forwarded to the destination node K. K destination nodes in their respective receiving coming from the source node and the relay node in M n+1 signal after the respective decoding and signal processing and receiving information, get their. The invention improves transmission diversity gain, can effectively combat wireless channel fading, further improves the quality of information transmission, the transmission reliability of the system and the frequency utilization ratio.





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