
技术编号:6090896 阅读:231 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for automatically acquiring fiber connected relation among nodes of reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer

The invention discloses a method for automatic acquisition of ROADM nodes even within the fiber related method, relates to the field of optical communication, which comprises the following steps: to traverse the wavelength selective switch WSS can be formed on each light path reconstruction opticaladd-drop multiplexer ROADM internal nodes, to compare the parameters of each node in and out of ROADM the direction of the line spectrum, the two spectra to determine whether homologous comparison of spectra, when it is determined that the homologous only determine a spectral light path, even the relationship between the fiber optical path to save the only sure; get a ROADM node inside all fiber optical path connected relationship, the database automatically generated fiber connection between ROADM nodes inside. The invention can automatically obtain even the relationship between fiber and save to the database, eliminating the need for manual input and even the relationship between fiber proofreading work, reduce the artificial participation process, ensure that even the relationship database fiber accurately, improve the intelligence degree and system efficiency.





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