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技术编号:6090825 阅读:177 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automobile tail gas purifier

An automobile exhaust purifier, including water container filled with U type, U type side of the container is provided with a first overflow cavity, the other side is provided with second overflow cavity at the bottom of the U container is provided with a water outlet, the water outlet is provided with a first sealing cover, the other side of the U container is connected with the overflow pipe, the other side of the U type the container is also provided with a hole. The overflow pipe is also provided with a second sealing cover, and the water level in the U type container is also provided with a barrier layer. The device of the utility model is connected with the tail gas exhaust pipe of an automobile, and the harmful gas in the automobile exhaust gas is filtered by a water container. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, obvious emission reduction effect and strong practicability. The utility model can be widely used for the installation and use of various motor vehicles to achieve the goal of reducing emission.





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