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技术编号:6090789 阅读:209 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Minimally invasive cavity mirror electrode

A minimally invasive endoscopic electrode, including electrode pins, electrode handle, electrode, electrode and electrode pins are integrated, which is characterized in that the electrode body length of 30 ~ 55 cm, on the set of the insulating layer, and exposing the contact end of the electrode body. This structure, the electrode length is lengthened, so as to solve the problem of minimally invasive endoscopic hemostasis in, as in the micro channel percutaneous nephrolithotomy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, problem of renal tissue cannot stop bleeding, through thorough hemostasis during operation, which makes the surgery safer and more minimally invasive, stone more thoroughly, after the operation can be completely without tube, greatly improve the operation effect. The utility model adopts the handle operation, the electrode control button is arranged on the handle, and the eye hand coordination is better than the eye foot control, so that the bleeding point is touched and condensed at once, and the efficiency and accuracy are accurate. The utility model can be matched with all the standard electric knives and can be used on the existing equipment of the hospital, and the utility model has the advantages of versatility, economy and practicability.





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