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技术编号:6090755 阅读:260 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A channel estimation method based on partially symmetric extended discrete Fu Liye transform

A channel expansion of discrete Fu Liye transform based on partial symmetric estimation methods including: frequency domain pilot subcarriers on the received signal is estimated to obtain estimates of the initial LS initial channel parameters estimation of least squares LS channel; initial LS channel parameters are part of symmetric extension; inverse discrete IDFT transform corresponding points on the Fu Liye channel parameters after LS partial symmetric extended to obtain estimates of channel parameters estimation of the equivalent transform domain; the equivalent channel parameters estimation in transform domain filtering, to obtain more accurate estimation of the channel parameters; after the equivalent channel parameters of transform domain filtering processing in estimation of the discrete Fu Liye transform DFT, partial symmetric frequency domain channel extended sequences the partial symmetric extended frequency estimation; channel sequence estimation for inverse extension processing, get the pilot sub carriers Channel estimation at the wave location; interpolation of the channel estimation at the pilot subcarriers to obtain frequency domain channel estimation at all subcarriers.





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