
技术编号:6090658 阅读:427 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Security check method for anti spam mail in private cloud

The invention discloses a private cloud mail leak inspection method, the client will send a request and sends a message to a mail server mail server; the contents of the message and attachments review qualified were issued and sent to the authorized signature authorization server, or send a message to a manager; management authority to issue and sent to the authorized the signature server to qualified unqualified mail messages will be discarded; the authentication server and the authorized signature of the message, forwarded to the gateway through the digital signature, the mail will be discarded; check the mail message gateway server, if the authorized signature and digital signature verification is correct, then mail traffic, otherwise it will discard the mail. The invention discloses a security checking method for preventing mail leaks, which has the advantages of effectively preventing the leak of sending mails and being convenient for checking and managing mail.


私有云中防邮件泄密的安全检查方法,其特征是,包括以下步骤:  a.客户端将邮件和发送请求一起发送至邮件服务器;  b.邮件服务器对邮件内容和附件进行审查;  b1.如果邮件内容和附件合格,邮件服务器就以数字签名的形式签发授权,并将签发授权的邮件发送至授权签名服务器;  b2.如果邮件内容或附件不合格,邮件服务器将邮件发送给管理者,有管理者进行审查;如果管理者审查发现邮件内容或附件不合格,则管理者将邮件丢弃;如果管理者审查发现邮件内容和附件合格,则由管理者以数字签名的形式签发授权,并将签发授权的邮件发送至授权签名服务器;  c.授权签名服务器接收邮件服务器和管理者发送的邮件,并对接收的邮件及邮件的授权进行验证;如果验证通过,就在邮件上添加授权签名服务器对邮件的数字签名,然后转发给网关;如果验证不通过,则将邮件丢弃;  d.网关接收授权签名服务器发送的邮件并对邮件报文进行检查,如果有授权签名服务器的数字签名且验证正确,则放邮件通行,否则将丢弃该邮件。



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