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技术编号:6089826 阅读:259 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Microwave electric rice cooker

The invention discloses a microwave cooker, comprising a cooker body, a cover, a heating plate, the liner and the magnetron electric cooker, pot body and a pot cover installed together with a pot body is provided with a liner cavity holding tank, the bottom inner cavity is provided with a heating plate, heating plate of the inner liner is arranged in the heating food, magnetron the pot body or lid, the lid is arranged inside the microwave outlet, the microwave generated by the magnetron is heated by conduction to the export of microwave waveguide in the liner of food, a pot body or lid is arranged in the control circuit, the control circuit controls the heating plate and the magnetron. The invention uses the microwave penetration characteristics of the magnetron can be in the bottom heating plate of the inner pot heating just before the first of the direct heating of upper Steamed Rice, let the upper Steamed Rice decline in water level before fully heated water, could do more Steamed Rice lower than other uniform heating heating mode in the past, can achieve better effect of cooking.





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