The present invention is high temperature resistant and light LVDS data bus cable and its preparation method, which is characterized in that the outer conductor is perfluoroethylene insulating layer, the insulating layer and filling core twisted together, the outer layer is an insulating layer of foamed PTFE microporous tape wrapped layer, wrapping layer and FEP sheath is silver plated copper wire woven shielding layer; the preparation method is used for wire and cable wire machine twist silver copper alloy wire as the conductor; the perfluoroethylene insulating material made by high temperature cable extrusion equipment outside the conductor, with a cable machine to insulated wires and filled cores together, filling core by foaming with microporous PTFE twisted; the woven shielding layer of silver plated copper wire braiding machine; the perfluoroethylene material extrusion machine equipment with high temperature cable sheath. Advantages: the cable has high and low temperature, aging resistance, corrosion resistance, flame retardancy, light weight and small outer diameter. It can provide high reliable service in harsh environment, and it is suitable for LVDS signal transmission in avionics field.
本专利技术是耐高温轻型LVDS数据总线电缆及其制备方法,总线电缆具有耐高低温 (_65°C +200°C )、耐老化、抗腐蚀、阻燃、重量轻和外径小;可在恶劣的环境下提供高可靠 服务,适用于航空电子领域的LVDS信号传输。
目前,国内没有耐高温轻型LVDS数据总线电缆,该电缆是在参照ANSI/TIA/ EIA-644-A-2001 ((Electrical Characteristics of Low Voltage Differential Signaling(LVDS)》标准、GJB 773A-2000《航空航天用含氟聚合物绝缘电线电缆》基础上设 计的。普通的LVDS数据总线电缆采用的是常温材料,耐高低温性能差;且材料挤包厚度厚, 产品外径大,重量重,需要较大的敷设空间。
本专利技术提出的是一种耐高温轻型LVDS数据总线电缆及其制备方法,导体为高强 度镀银铜合金绞线,提高了电缆导体的机械强度,解决在装配时导体容易断芯的问题。采用 耐高温材料绝缘和护套,采用薄壁挤出,提高了电缆的耐高低温性能,减小了外径和重量; 成缆时采用发泡PTFE微孔带填充和绕包,提高了电缆的柔软性以及电气性能等。本专利技术的技术解决方案其结构是高强度镀银铜合金绞线导体的外层是聚全氟乙 丙烯绝缘层,聚全氟乙丙烯绝缘层与采用发泡PTFE微孔带绞合而成的填充芯绞合在一起, 聚全氟乙丙烯绝缘层外层是发泡PTFE微孔带绕包层,发泡PTFE微孔带绕包层与聚全氟乙 丙烯护套间是镀银铜丝编织屏蔽层;其制备方法用电线电缆绞线机绞合镀银铜合金绞线 作为导体;在导体外采用聚全氟乙丙烯 ...