
技术编号:6089420 阅读:230 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

MEMS microphone and pressure integrated sensor and manufacturing method thereof

Including a MEMS microphone with integrated pressure sensor and manufacturing method thereof, a first substrate, a first adhesive layer sensitive film, thin film inductive microphone unit with capacitive pressure sensing unit and the first surface of the substrate; a second substrate having a conductor between the dielectric layer and interconnect layer located between the conductors and the dielectric layer in the / second or second of the surface of the substrate adhesive layer; the second substrate and the first substrate is set by the first bonding layer and the adhesive layer second is fixedly connected with the first adhesive layer and the second adhesive layer corresponding to the pattern and are electrically conductive materials. MEMS microphone and pressure sensor and manufacturing method thereof are provided, through the two substrate capacitive pressure sensing unit and a microphone unit integrated chip integrates various MEMS sensors suitable for mass production, is conducive to compatible and integrated circuit technology, improve the standardization of production process and packaging technology, the device is small letter the signal-to-noise ratio of excellent performance, high anti-interference ability.





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