
技术编号:6089153 阅读:204 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, terminal device and system for statistical user experience

The invention discloses a method, a terminal device and a system for statistical user experience. The method includes: obtaining dynamic switching information, a playback status of the dynamic switching information includes at least the media play in the process of dynamic switching causes, after switching to the media and media quality identification in the media; to the first server sends the dynamic switching information, the first server statistics user experience. The terminal device comprises an acquisition module and a transmission module. The system includes a terminal device and a server according to an embodiment of the present invention. Terminal equipment system and method of the invention, through the acquisition and report to reflect the dynamic switching information dynamic adaptation, making the business / network providers can more comprehensively assess end-user media experience, and take the optimization of the broadcast media targeted measures, which can further enhance the user experience of the media terminal.





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