
技术编号:6089119 阅读:208 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Service load equalization processing between frames and inter cell interference processing method and equipment

The invention discloses a load balanced business district and inter frame interference between seed processing method and equipment, including: in the sub frame between traffic load equalization, determine the traffic load time link; according to the traffic load threshold value according to the utilization rate of resources; resource utilization threshold value is sent in each sub frame of business data. In the inter cell interference processing, business processing load balance between sub frames, combined with a variety of inter cell interference coordination technology, through the interference coordination technology in frequency domain, power, or one of the combination of the spatial interference reduction processing. The invention can alleviate the load information can not well adapt to the dynamic change of the traffic load disturbance of TDD system between each sub frame caused by reducing poor results; also can further reduce the long-term evolution of the system of inter cell interference, improve the overall system throughput of users in the system and the quality of service.





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