
技术编号:6088668 阅读:326 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Peak clipping method based on pulse canceling mode

The invention relates to a method of pulse peak, offset based on the first, for threshold detection of the input signal source, detection point set is greater than the threshold, using the search method of peak search point set in the peak amplitude and peak point, triggering offset pulse generator, a pulse generator will be offset by subtracting the original signal the timing signal, so as to achieve the peak cancellation; the invention adopts pulse cancellation method, detected first peak signal is greater than the threshold, then the original signal is subtracted from the spectrum of pulse signal corresponding to the peak, so as to reduce the PAPR, which can greatly save FPGA from the hardware resources, better able to avoid the peak and decrease signal regeneration the PAPR, which greatly improves the efficiency of power amplifier.





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