
技术编号:6087832 阅读:209 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Terminal and method for compatible intercom earphone and stereo earphone

The embodiment of the invention provides a terminal and a method for compatible an intercom earphone and a stereo earphone. The terminal comprises an earphone interface and a CPU, wherein the CPU comprises a detection module, a determination module and a control module. The working method includes: detecting a headset interface at a preset level channel terminal; according to the preset level to determine the channel terminal into the headset headset interface for intercom headset or stereo headset; when the headset is plugged in interface headset intercom headset, intercom button control terminal connected to control the preset channel terminal and CPU; when the headset is plugged in interface headset for stereo headset, the corresponding channel terminal connected to control the preset channel terminal and CPU. The proposal provided by the embodiment of the invention effectively reduces the earphone cost and realizes the compatibility and universal use of the intercommunication earphone and the stereo earphone at the terminal.





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