
技术编号:6087780 阅读:263 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for generating analog radio frequency signals

The invention discloses a system and a simulation of RF signal generation method, the method includes: the baseband signal is up sampled, the first digital signal, the sampling rate is up sampled baseband signal of N times the original sampling rate, N > 1; on the first digital signal delay and power attenuation then, according to the original sampling rate down sampling, second digital signal; the second digital signal and the correlation factor multiplied by third digital signal, the related factors include due to multipath fading caused by multipath fading environment sequence; converts third digital signal into analog multiplication by RF signal output. The invention provides a method and a system for generating an analog radio frequency signal, which realizes the modeling of the signal passing channel process, and reduces the complexity of the modeling of the signal passing channel under the premise of better performance.





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