
技术编号:6087778 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

DC bias calibration method and device thereof

The present invention provides a method and apparatus for calibration of DC bias, the analog baseband feedback zero IF receiver system output differential voltage output, whether the judgment of zero IF receiver system meets the convergence condition, the calibration of the baseband signal of the zero if receiver. In the calibration process, used from large to small, progressive way to set each calibration adjustment value, and the value of each calibration calibration overlay, so that the whole process of DC offset calibration has a first coarse and successive transition to fine tune the effect, can quickly and accurately realize the DC offset calibration, to achieve convergence conditions. Furthermore, the DC offset calibration of time division duplex zero if receiving system can be calibrated by using the non receive data slot of time division duplex zero IF receiver system, so as to improve the real-time performance of DC bias calibration.





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