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技术编号:6087474 阅读:211 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Rotary heating household net cleaning and removing system

A rotary heating household net cleaning decontamination system, including heat source, booster pump, circulating pump, decontamination device, heat exchanger, distribution cylinder, water pump, valve and valve third is connected with the right end of the first installation of fourth valve piping; third valve right left end and the first valve is connected with a pipeline valve installation second the first and the twelfth distribution pipe; cylinder valve connected with the right end is provided with eleventh valve second cylinder tenth valve distribution; and the right end is connected with the installation of pipeline valve ninth; left two cleaner of the pipeline is provided with a pressure sensor; the bypass valve, the first to the twelfth valves are electromagnetic valve or electric valve, and the connect the electric control device and its control, booster pump, circulating pump and water pump are connected with the electric control device and its control, the pressure sensor and the control device is electrically connected. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, no waste of heating water resources, decontamination, easy maintenance and high work efficiency.





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